146679 MANG 4497.2 - International Management Leadership for Cross-Cultural Settings
Sommersemester 2025 | Stand: 21.01.2025 | LV auf Merkliste setzen· Understand and Apply Leadership Theories: Students will be able to explain key leadership theories, including transformational, authentic, and purpose-driven leadership, and apply these theories to practical management scenarios in both local and global contexts
· Analyze Leadership's Impact on Organizational Behavior: Students will critically assess how different leadership styles influence organizational performance, employee engagement, and innovation, particularly in international settings that involve diverse cultural and socioeconomic factors.
· Develop Effective Communication Skills for Leadership: Students will demonstrate interpersonal communication skills necessary for leading diverse teams, managing conflict, and promoting collaboration across organizational boundaries, with a focus on cross-cultural communication challenges.
· Evaluate the Role of Socioeconomic and Cultural Factors in Leadership: Students will explore how socioeconomic and cultural factors shape leadership approaches and outcomes, and propose strategies to adapt leadership styles to global organizational settings.
· Facilitate Team Innovation and Leadership Exchange: Students will learn how to foster team innovation by leveraging leader-member exchange (LMX) and leader-leader exchange (LLX), creating a supportive climate for creativity and innovation within multinational teams.
· Apply Leadership Skills in Multicultural Settings: Students will be equipped to lead effectively in multicultural and geographically dispersed teams, understanding how leadership styles and communication need to be adapted to varying cultural norms and expectations.
Designed as a seminar to expose the student to current research and theory in a variety of management topics. This one-month Management Leadership course is tailored specifically for international students, emphasizing leadership theories, organizational behavior, and interpersonal communication within a global framework. By integrating transformational, authentic, and purpose-driven leadership models with leader-member exchange theory (LMX), the course addresses the diverse cultural and socioeconomic perspectives that shape leadership in international contexts. Through a combination of theoretical foundations and practical applications, students will explore how leaders influence organizational outcomes, manage cross-cultural teams, and foster innovation across geographically dispersed environments. The course emphasizes building effective communication strategies, managing team dynamics, resolving conflicts, and promoting leadership innovation, thus preparing students to adapt and lead effectively in multicultural settings.
The University of New Orleans International Summer School program has a mandatory class attendance policy. All students are required to attend class for all morning classes and any required afternoon and/or weekend fields trips and lectures. No unexcused absences are allowed. However, LFU students who have to miss a UNO class due to LFU examinations in the first two weeks of our program, can receive one excused absence for this. Any further unexcused absences will result in an academic penalty. Each faculty member determines the penalty for missed classes. Most professors deduct a letter grade for each additional missed class day. For details, please refer to your course syllabi, which will be distributed on the first day of class. The listed ECTS credits are a recommendation by the University of New Orleans Innsbruck Summer School, based on contact hours, anticipated out-of-classroom requirements such as field trips, and projected workload for readings, assignments, and exam preparation. Mail: Center-New-Orleans@uibk.ac.at
- Interdisziplinäres und zusätzliches Angebot
- SDG 3 - Gesundheit und Wohlergehen: Ein gesundes Leben für alle Menschen jeden Alters gewährleisten und ihr Wohlergehen fördern
- SDG 4 - Hochwertige Bildung: Inklusive, gleichberechtigte und hochwertige Bildung gewährleisten und Möglichkeiten lebenslangen Lernens für alle fördern
- SDG 5 - Geschlechtergleichstellung: Geschlechtergleichstellung erreichen und alle Frauen und Mädchen zur Selbstbestimmung befähigen
- SDG 8 - Menschenwürdige Arbeit und Wirtschaftswachstum: Dauerhaftes, breitenwirksames und nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum, produktive Vollbeschäftigung und menschenwürdige Arbeit für alle fördern
- SDG 9 - Industrie, Innovation und Infrastruktur: Eine widerstandsfähige Infrastruktur aufbauen, breitenwirksame und nachhaltige Industrialisierung fördern und Innovationen unterstützen
- SDG 10 - Weniger Ungleichheiten: Ungleichheit in und zwischen Ländern verringern
- SDG 11 - Nachhaltige Städte und Gemeinden: Städte und Siedlungen inklusiv, sicher, widerstandsfähig und nachhaltig gestalten
- SDG 12 - Verantwortungsvolle Konsum- und Produktionsmuster: Nachhaltige Konsum- und Produktionsmuster sicherstellen
- SDG 13 - Maßnahmen zum Klimaschutz: Umgehend Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung des Klimawandels und seiner Auswirkungen ergreifen
- SDG 16 - Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und starke Institutionen: Friedliche und inklusive Gesellschaften für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung fördern, allen Menschen Zugang zur Justiz ermöglichen und leistungsfähige, rechenschaftspflichtige und inklusive Institutionen auf allen Ebenen aufbauen
- SDG 17 - Partnerschaften zur Erreichung der Ziele: Umsetzungsmittel stärken und die Globale Partnerschaft für nachhaltige Entwicklung mit neuem Leben erfüllen
Gruppe | Anmeldefrist | |
146679-0 | 01.02.2025 00:00 - 28.02.2025 23:59 | |
UNO-IBK International Summer School S. |