703356 VU Ausgewählte Kapitel in sicherem und verteiltem Rechnen A: Distributed Learning
Sommersemester 2025 | Stand: 05.02.2025 | LV auf Merkliste setzenIn this lecture, students will gain in-depth understanding in areas of distributed learning to solve common challenges stemming across the cloud-to-edge continuum. In particular, different aspects of optimization and distributed learning will be reviewed to later deal with realistic use cases related to smart data and resource management. Lectures will be complemented by practical exercises in which the students apply the concepts given in the lecture using cutting-edge frameworks.
Distributed learning (e.g., federated learning, hybrid learning, P2P learning) and Optimization techniques (e.g., reinforcement learning), applied to problems such as task offloading, scheduling, data management, load balancing, moving edge devices, energy consumption, etc.
Presentations, practical work.
Allocation of places in courses with a limited number of participants (PS, SE, VU, PJ)
In courses with a limited number of participants, course places are allocated as follows:
1. Students for whom the study duration would be extended due to the postponement are to be given priority.
2. If the criteria in no. 1 do not suffice, first, students for whom this course is part of a compulsory module are to be given priority, and second, students for whom this course is part of an elective module.
3. If the criteria in no. 1 and 2 do not suffice, the available places are drawn by random.
- Fakultät für LehrerInnenbildung
- Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft
- Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Physik
- SDG 4 - Hochwertige Bildung: Inklusive, gleichberechtigte und hochwertige Bildung gewährleisten und Möglichkeiten lebenslangen Lernens für alle fördern
- SDG 9 - Industrie, Innovation und Infrastruktur: Eine widerstandsfähige Infrastruktur aufbauen, breitenwirksame und nachhaltige Industrialisierung fördern und Innovationen unterstützen
Gruppe 0
Datum | Uhrzeit | Ort | ||
Mi 05.03.2025
14.45 - 17.15 | rr 21 rr 21 | Barrierefrei | |
Mi 12.03.2025
14.45 - 17.15 | rr 21 rr 21 | Barrierefrei | |
Mi 19.03.2025
14.45 - 17.15 | rr 21 rr 21 | Barrierefrei | |
Mi 26.03.2025
14.45 - 17.15 | rr 21 rr 21 | Barrierefrei | |
Mi 02.04.2025
14.45 - 17.15 | rr 21 rr 21 | Barrierefrei | |
Mi 09.04.2025
14.45 - 17.15 | rr 21 rr 21 | Barrierefrei | |
Mi 30.04.2025
14.45 - 17.15 | rr 21 rr 21 | Barrierefrei | |
Mi 07.05.2025
14.45 - 17.15 | rr 21 rr 21 | Barrierefrei | |
Mi 14.05.2025
14.45 - 17.15 | rr 21 rr 21 | Barrierefrei | |
Mi 21.05.2025
14.45 - 17.15 | rr 21 rr 21 | Barrierefrei | |
Mi 28.05.2025
14.45 - 17.15 | rr 21 rr 21 | Barrierefrei | |
Mi 04.06.2025
14.45 - 17.15 | rr 21 rr 21 | Barrierefrei | |
Mi 11.06.2025
14.45 - 17.15 | rr 21 rr 21 | Barrierefrei | |
Mi 18.06.2025
14.45 - 17.15 | rr 21 rr 21 | Barrierefrei | |
Mi 25.06.2025
14.45 - 17.15 | rr 21 rr 21 | Barrierefrei |
Gruppe | Anmeldefrist | |
703356-0 | 01.02.2025 08:00 - 23.02.2025 23:59 | |
Aznar Poveda J. |