748002 VO Fundamentals of Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometry

Sommersemester 2025 | Stand: 04.03.2025 LV auf Merkliste setzen
VO Fundamentals of Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometry
VO 1
  • To introduce the fundamental science of ion-molecule chemistry that underpins chemical ionisation mass spectrometry
  • To provide the framework needed for gaining a knowledge and an in-depth understanding of ion-molecule reactions for later development and use in a second course dealing with ion-molecule chemistry and gas-phase analytical chemistry: Applications of Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (748003), a 5 ECTS course that includes lectures and major practical studies.  (Successful completion of 748002 is a prerequisite for undertaking 748003.)
  • To link the spectroscopic information received from interstellar space to the development of laboratory based chemical ionisation mass spectrometers for investigations to explain the interstellar chemistry observed spectroscopically
  • To provide hands-on-experience of spectroscopic measurements and an understanding of atomic and molecular transitions

1. Lecture Material (15 lectures)

Ion-molecule reaction chemistry

  • types of ion-molecule reactions
  • reaction rate equation
  • experimentally determining the reaction rate coefficient
  • calculating reaction rate coefficients
  • biomolecular ion-molecule reactions
  • termolecular reactions
  • radiative association processes
  • calculating the collisional reaction rate coefficient

Ion-molecule processes and planetary atmospheres

  • spectroscopy
  • spectroscopic nomenclature (atoms)
  • atomic transitions
  • forbidden transitions
  • regions of the ionosphere
  • transmission and reflection of electromagnetic waves ion-molecule processes

Ion-molecule processes and interstellar chemistry

  • nebulae (HII regions)
  • interstellar clouds
  • Maxwell’s laws of electromagnetism
  • propagation of electromagnetic radiation through space
  • spectroscopic measurements
  • rotational spectra and the discovery of molecules in space
  • interstellar chemistry – spectroscopic discovery of molecules in space
  • Laboratory – creating an HII nebula and determining the ionisation energy of atomic hydrogen

Development of Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometric Instrumentation

  • Laboratory investigations to explain the spectroscopic discoveries of interstellar space and planetary atmospheres
  • Precursor instrumentation to state-of-the-art analytical instruments currently used to detect trace chemical compounds (from parts per trillion by volume)
    - Flowing Afterglow Mass Spectrometer
    - Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometer
    - Proton Transfer Reaction-Mass Spectrometer

Fundamentals of Mass Spectrometry

  • mass spectra
  • definitions and nomenclature
  • resolving power
  • isotopes
  • ion sources
  • mass analysers
  • ion detectors

2. Practical Work (1 day) - Line spectra: the Balmer Series and its link to nebula

  • Learning how to calibrate a spectroscope (use of a helium lamp) coupled to a CCD camera
  • Determining the Rydberg constant RH from measurements of the visible spectrum of atomic hydrogen

Lectures and Experimental Work (taught in English)

To provide a series of tutorial style lectures drawing together and developing concepts from various disciplines (e.g. chemistry, physics, and biosciences) and different subjects (e.g. quantum mechanics, plasma physics, statistical mechanics, and electromagnetism) to describe ion-molecule processes and their importance in many chemical environments, including planetary atmospheres and interstellar space.

G.A. Eiceman, Z. Karpas, H. H. Hill „Ion Mobility Spectrometry” - ISBN: 9781138199484 
(CRC Press 2016)

A. M. Ellis and C. A. Mayhew “Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry: Principles and Applications - ISBN: 978-1-4051-7668-2 (Wiley 2014)” 350 pages (provided)ages (provided)

Gruppe Anmeldefrist
748002-0 01.02.2025 00:00 - 26.06.2025 23:59 Zur LV anmelden