800971 SE Scientific methods and skeptical inquiry in research (and everyday life)
Wintersemester 2020/2021 | Stand: 05.11.2020 | LV auf Merkliste setzen800971
SE Scientific methods and skeptical inquiry in research (and everyday life)
SE 2
PhD students in the MSCA Doctoral Programme "DOCC" acquire general and transferable skills connecting "modelling" with the "real" world.
General introduction to philosophy and methodology of science, research ethics and open science; with an emphasis on methods to establish "real" trustable facts against alleged un- and anti-scientific claims (e.g. on climate and vaccine denial, pseudo-medicine, "fake journals", or "alternative facts").
Online seminar with talks contributed by the participants. Connection to videoconference via Olat "Virtial classroom".
immanent examination character
To be announced in the lecture.
1. MSCA Doctoral Programme DOCC
2. DK CIM PhD Studierende
3. PhD Studierende UIBK