847370 SE Prozesse der Formfindung

Wintersemester 2019/2020 | Stand: 24.09.2019 LV auf Merkliste setzen
SE Prozesse der Formfindung
SE 3

Students are able to acquire knowledge of concept development, design iterations, skilling development and fabrication techniques. They will be able to use the skills and representation ideas in further projects.

The seminar will work at the intersection between machine learning, generative design and robotics. The seminar will focus its investigation’s in developing machine learning solutions coupled with structural optimization, informed by physical and fabrication constraints.

These strategies will be deployed on a pavilion/installation architectural prototype, with a bounding box of 3x3x3m, having as site, the university main exhibition space Foyer. Conditions, relations, possible use scenarios will have to be considered while developing the pavilion.

Students will develop their own design concept and create the final design space using the given modelling tools.

Continuous assessment incl milestones respectively final results (written and or digital) assessment of the theoretical analysis in the given frame.

Will be discussed (depends on the chosen topic/issue).

Diese Lehrveranstaltung wird im Rahmen vom Wahlmodul 1 "Fachliche Spezialisierung" (Curriculum 2019W) angeboten.

siehe Termine
siehe WM1 Fachliche Spezialisierung, Curriculum 2019W