848904 SE PhD Seminar 2: Methoden

Wintersemester 2024/2025 | Stand: 30.08.2024 LV auf Merkliste setzen
SE PhD Seminar 2: Methoden
SE 2
keine Angabe

Die Studierenden eignen sich eine Bandbreite von Fertigkeiten und Kompetenzen bzgl. allgemeiner und spezieller Forschungsmethoden und -diskurse innerhalb der Architektur an und bringen diese in ihrer eigenen Forschungsarbeit zur Anwendung. Studierende erhalten die Möglichkeit, aktuelle Entwicklungen in die Arbeit einzubeziehen und sind in der Lage, methodisch einwandfreie Lösungen für interdisziplinäre Fragen mit direktem Bezug zur Architektur zu erarbeiten und umzusetzen.


The aim of this PhD seminar is to provide an interactive platform for students to present their research progress, engage in academic discussions, and receive constructive feedback. This seminar will also encourage self-assessment and peer evaluation to foster critical thinking and self-improvement.

1. Seminar Sessions:

Each student will present their research work in rotation. Presentations will cover the background, methodology, findings, and future directions of their research.

Every session will last 60-90 minutes, with 30-40 minutes for the presentation and the remaining time dedicated to Q&A and feedback.

2. Presentation Guidelines:

Duration: 30-40 minutes.

Content: Include an introduction to your research, key research questions, methodology, data, results, and next steps.

Visual Aids: Use slides or other visual materials to enhance clarity.

Engagement: Encourage questions and discussion during the Q&A period.

3. Self-Assessment:

After your presentation, you will complete a self-assessment reflecting on your performance. This should cover:

Clarity of presentation

Depth of content

Ability to engage with the audience

Areas for improvement

The self-assessment should be 300-500 words and submitted within 3 days of your presentation.

4. Peer Assessment:

Each student will be required to provide written feedback on their peers’ presentations. This feedback should be constructive, focusing on strengths and areas for improvement.

Peer assessments should be 200-300 words for each presentation and submitted within 3 days of the seminar.

5. Evaluation:

Presentations will be evaluated based on content quality, presentation skills, engagement with the audience, and the ability to answer questions.

Self-assessment and peer assessments will contribute to the final evaluation of each student’s performance in the seminar.

Lehrveranstaltungsprüfung gemäß § 6 Satzungsteil, Studienrechtliche Bestimmungen.

Learning Outcomes:

Improved research communication and presentation skills.

Enhanced ability to critique research constructively.

Increased confidence in discussing and defending research work.

Development of self-reflective practices to identify strengths and areas for improvement.

Wird im Rahmen der ersten Lehrveranstaltung besprochen.


A schedule with assigned dates for each student will be provided at the start of the seminar series. Ensure that you are prepared by your assigned date.


Your performance will be assessed based on your presentation (50%), self-assessment (25%), and peer feedback quality (25%).


Presentation: Prepare and deliver according to the scheduled date.

Self-Assessment: Submit 300-500 words within 3 days post-presentation.

Peer Assessments: Submit 200-300 words for each peer presentation within 3 days post-seminar.

siehe Termine
Gruppe Anmeldefrist
848904-0 01.09.2024 08:00 - 21.09.2024 23:59
Colletti M.