921025 SE Ausgewählte Bereiche der Fachdidaktik Englisch

Wintersemester 2022/2023 | Stand: 31.05.2022 LV auf Merkliste setzen
E Diese Lehrveranstaltung wird im Rahmen eines gemeinsamen Studiums von einer anderen Bildungseinrichtung angeboten

(Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg)
SE Ausgewählte Bereiche der Fachdidaktik Englisch
SE 2
keine Angabe
keine Angabe
Students will learn how to design a multi-disciplinary course for early English teaching (transition grades 4 + 5) which is suitable for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) and other kinds of bilingual education such as bilingual modules. The course will also show how children with German as a second language (migration background/refugees) can benefit from what is offered in the Foreign Language classroom and/or how foreign language methodology can be transferred to German as a Second Language (DaZ, Deutsch als Zweitsprache) classes.
language and culture in the project approach advanced methods in early English language teaching transition: primary education/ secondary education As we recognise foreign language teaching as a holistic, action-oriented, and aesthetic form of learning and teaching, a number of hands-on activities will be part of the seminar.
lt. Curriculum